Virus totals by state
Virus totals by state

If people tested positive or negative more than once, they are included and counted each time on the date the testing lab reports their test results.

virus totals by state

When calculating percent positive by test, people are counted each time they are included. No antigen or antibody test results are included in this figure. You can hover over the line graph to see previous percentages of all positive tests, averaged over the previous 7-day period. Percent positive by test: This section shows the trend over time in the percent of all confirmatory COVID-19 tests that are positive, averaged over the previous 7-day period.For more information on how probable cases are defined, please see the "About our data" section. You can hover over the line graph to see the average number of new probable cases over the previous 7 days. The number in this section represents the current 7-day average of new probable cases reported per day. New probable cases: This presents the trend over time in the number of probable COVID-19 cases reported in Wisconsin.You can hover over the line graph to see the average number of new confirmed cases over the previous 7 days. The number in this section represents the current 7-day average of new confirmed cases reported per day. New confirmed cases: This presents the trend over time in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in Wisconsin.For the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, that means receiving two doses and for the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, that means receiving just one dose. The bottom number displays the percent of all Wisconsin residents who have completed their vaccine series.

virus totals by state

The top number shows the percent of all Wisconsin residents who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, including those who have received the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Vaccines: This section provides a snapshot of COVID-19 vaccination progress in Wisconsin. This section is updated weekly on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Confirmed case activity is an important starting metric to understand current COVID-19 levels in your community. Case activity is a metric that combines case burden (rate per 100,000 people) and trajectory (percent case change). Case activity: This section provides an overview of counties in Wisconsin based on COVID-19 case activity levels.

Virus totals by state